Happy Friday Everyone! I was invited to go to a Lush Event and I just had to tell you guys about it! I got a message via Instagram on Tuesday asking me to go and I said yes ... like literally in seconds! I mean of course I did ... wouldn't you? Haha! The event was set up to showcase some of the new bits that were launching for Easter! Now, you guys know I love Lush ... like a lot! There's always a haul going up every now and then and if there's one thing I love about Lush is when they release a specific collection! I was so happy that a lot of my favourites were back again but also super excited to see all of the new stuff that made their way into this years collection!

I actually got to take a plus one with me and I took my bestie T! She has actually just started a blog of her own, 'Beuatè D'amour'! I would love it if you guys would head over and check her out! She writes about all things beauty and is actually my very own skincare guru! T and I met up in town and we got there a little early and so we decided to head to Tiger and Paperchase! T wanted a few bits for her blog images and I swear Tiger have some of the most amazing bits and bobs for flatlays! We then decided to have a quick bite before the event, we went around a few places and somehow ended up in McDonalds! I've not had a McDonalds in ages ... it was beautiful! It was then time to head over to Lush for the event! There were a lot of people stood outside waiting and it wasn't long before we were invited in! We had a quick meet and greet with the lovely people in the store and we even got out very own lanyard ... which I will honestly treasure forever! We were then able to have a wander around the store and have a look at all the amazing bits from the new Easter collection!

Whilst we were all still grouped together we were told about all of the amazing activities that we would be able to take part in, one of which was an easter egg hunt ... the one that found the most eggs would win a prize! Any guesses at what me and T did first? Yep! We looked all around the store for the eggs! We did in fact find 5 which put us in joint place as winners! As a prize the lovely people at Lush gave us one of their gift boxes at the end of the night. As the event was limited to only a few people we had a lot more time looking at all of the amazing bits that had launched for the easter range! I think I'll start with the bits that have thankfully made a return to the range and this one is my favourite ... and I think a lot of other people love this one too! It's the Golden Egg! Although the glitter gets absolutely everywhere, the cocoa butter in this bath bomb melt leaves your skin feeling so nourished and moisturised! Another oldie is the Bunch of Carrots! These reusable bubble bars are packed with all sorts of oils! Simply run them under your tap and you will have all the bubbles you will ever need ... not to mention how cute they look! Speaking of cute lets move on to one of the new bits in the range ... Chick 'n' Mix! This bath bomb is actually a crazy 3 bath bombs in one! You have the outer shell which comes in two pieces and then inside the egg is a gorgeous little chick! For £6.95 I think this is amazing value for money! Sicilian Lemon seems to be the theme scent to the Easter range this year and the Which Came First bath bomb follows suit! Like the Chick 'n' Mix this bath bomb also has a little surprise! Once the outer shell fizzes away there's a little chick inside ... adorable! There's many more goodies in the range including soaps and a new lip scrub! Make sure you head over to a store or the website to see what treats you can get your hands on!

Once we had a good play around with some of the bath bombs and a few chit chats with the lovely people in store we were asked to head upstairs! There was a beautiful wooden table with a few mixing bowls and ingredients ... I actually went live on Instagram during this activity and a friend of mine thought we were baking, haha! I don't blame her it did look like that, but no we weren't going to be baking but making some of our very own lush products! I was so super excited! We started off my baking a Butterball bath bomb and then a Creamy Candy bubble bar before making our very own Cupcake face mask! I mean how many people can say they handmade their very own Lush goodies!? It's an experience that I'll remember forever! We then had a photo op, something that neither T or I would turn down easily haha! We took it on an polaroid camera with the help of one of the assistants in store, we got to take the polaroid home ... it's so cute! If you follow me on Instagram I'm sure you'll see it pop up some time soon! We then headed back downstairs to pay for the goodies that we had picked up and before we knew it ... it was the end of the night! With this being my first blogger event I was super nervous but I have to say the other bloggers there were so nice and friendly and since the event they have been so welcoming! I've been blogging for a few years but never had a chance to meet any other bloggers in Leicester ... I can happily say that the ones I have met so far are fabulous! Thank you again to Lush Leicester for having T and I, we honestly had such an amazing time and I'm sure I'll see some of you again on my next visit into the store! I hope you guys have enjoyed this post, I know it's one I'll look back on and smile! Hope you all have a great week and I'll see you next Sunday for another dose of Prim!