Happy Sunday Everyone! So I've just bought one of those super handy accessory hangers, mine is a black velvet one from Primark. I think it was something like £2 so it's super cheap and such a good way to organise and store your necklaces, bracelets and rings. For ages I just popped all of my jewellery in this old box I bought from Paperchase but everything got tangled together or even worse I would forget to put it in the box and then I would lose it! So the hanger has literally been a life saver for me! Whilst I was hanging everything up I though it would be quite nice to show you guys what my favourites are!
So this first one was bought a long time ago and it was one I found whilst I was cleaning out the shed ... don't ask how it got there. I bought this from Topman, I tend to get most of my jewellery from there because I really love the range of things they have in there! Now I'm pretty sure this was called The Shard but I don't think it's something they have anymore. I got this when I was away on a weekend break in London. I think it was from their flagship store ... and wow is that place massive! They had a whole section dedicated to accessories and jewellery. It has a gunmetal chain with gold hardware, it then goes down to the shard piece which is an acrylic gem! I really love the length of this necklace. It doesn't overpower the outfit you have on but the shard definitely catches your eye!
So this first one was bought a long time ago and it was one I found whilst I was cleaning out the shed ... don't ask how it got there. I bought this from Topman, I tend to get most of my jewellery from there because I really love the range of things they have in there! Now I'm pretty sure this was called The Shard but I don't think it's something they have anymore. I got this when I was away on a weekend break in London. I think it was from their flagship store ... and wow is that place massive! They had a whole section dedicated to accessories and jewellery. It has a gunmetal chain with gold hardware, it then goes down to the shard piece which is an acrylic gem! I really love the length of this necklace. It doesn't overpower the outfit you have on but the shard definitely catches your eye!

This next one was actually a piece I had designed for a Prim and Propa collection which unfortunately was never released. But I loved it so much I decided to keep it and add it to my collection of jewellery! I used some black round leather cord to create the knot effect, its something I learnt back in school! Everyone was making scoobies and that's actually the technique I used .. it was the loom band of my time! Once I got to a quarter of the way round I began adding some super cheap washers I picked up from a hardware store. I used the ten smaller ones and then six of the larger ones towards the front! The necklace was designed to be a choker but once I had decided I wanted it instead I added in a few more chain links to add a little bit more length. It sits just below the neckline of my t-shirts or just under the collar of my shirts!
I wear this next chain more than any of my other ones and there's two reasons for that! One of them is that it is so simple and understated that it works with all of my tops. Second and more importantly it was a Christmas present from one of my best friends! It's a really cool dirty gold colour and because its not gold gold it goes really well with a lot of things. It was also featured in my very first post 'The Photo That Started It All' I'm currently going through a gold phase and so I'm getting a lot of wear out of this beauty! I have quite a lot of chunky statement pieces but I love how delicate this necklace is. I definitely want to add more like this to my collection!

This one is more of a recent purchase I bought it to go with this amazing red tartan tee I bought from New Look! It came with another chain which was a short gold chain with a triangle piece but it was a really cheap looking gold and really short so I just wear this one on its own. Like the first one it has a gunmetal chain with a gold chevron piece! ... There's a bit of a theme here! The chevron has this nut/bolt detailing which has been engraved! Now although I would say its a statement piece its not massive and so isn't too much ... I like to wear my jewellery and not my jewellery to wear me lol.
This final one again is something I designed for Prim and Propa, this was created for a launch event and I think I only made three ... one of which I kept for myself! I absolutely love this necklace and whenever I wear it I get quite a few compliments! It's made from an old Dr. Martens show string and also some silver hardware. I used some small silver washers and nuts to create the bulk of the necklace but it wasn't quite enough so I also added some spikes! Unfortunately I don't get to wear this much because it doesn't go with everything ... *sad face* ... but that's okay because it makes it feel more special when I do get to wear it!!
Hope you guys have enjoyed having a read of my Fave Necklaces! I would love to hear if you guys have any staple pieces of Jewellery that you tend to go back to! Share your blog posts or leave a comment for me!
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