Happy Sunday Everyone! It's a super happy Sunday for me because the lovely Jessica Marie has nominated me and a bunch of other Bloggers for the Liebster Award. Now for me this is massive! I have been blogging for just over a year and to be welcomed and accepted into this lovely community feels amazing! Jessica has asked me to answer a few questions which I have left below! I'm going to continue to share the love by nominating a few more bloggers, I'll leave them and the links below! A massive thank you once again to both Jessica and all of you lovely people out there for your love and support!

What inspired you to start blogging?
I wanted to start up a blog a few years before I set up Prim and Propa and actually made a few attempts, pretty rubbish attempts but I tried! One of my lovely friends Jade has a blog called Gracious Silhouettes and she pushed me in the right direction after I uploaded an Instagram OOTD. This later became my very first post! 'The Photo That Started It All'
How is your blog different from others?
This was quite a tricky question for me, I think every blog out there has its own unique style and flare. For me I think its super important to be yourself and sometimes I think that can be quite difficult through words! I always try to be myself and add my own personal touch to my posts! Also I haven't really seen a lot of male bloggers out there in the blogosphere so I guess that's another thing!
Current TV addiction?
OK, I'm gonna cheat here because I've got two ... Scandal and How To Get Away With Murder. #EnoughSaid
Preferred flavour popcorn?
Salted always! Toffee popcorn is a maybe but none of this sweetened stuff you get at the cinema haha!
What's your signature recipe?
Ermm, okay truth time I don't really cook much. But I do make some mean Egg Fried Bread ... YUM!
Most treasured item of clothing?
Moment of silence please ... I had to get rid of this item in the summer because it was just beyond the point of wearable. Anyone who knows me will be able to answer this question ... It's my River Island Waterfall Sleeveless Cardigan! Honestly it was a staple in my wardrobe it went with everything and anything! I will miss it dearly!
If you were a character from a book, Who would it be?
I don't really know! But I want to be someone extravagant, happy, bubbly, caring and stylish! So if there's a character like that ... It's me! Haha!
Dream Job?
I would love love love to be a fashion stylist, that's my aim in life!
Describe your ideal Sunday afternoon.
Snuggled up on the sofa with a blanket and a Disney movie, that normally hits the spot! #ThumbsUp
Early bird or night owl?
I am most definitely a night owl! When I was in College and even now I always work best when it's night time, for some reason I tend to be more inspired after sunset!
What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?
I would ... move to London and try to achieve my dream job! Or even New York! I wouldn't want it to be smooth sailing because I think it's good to have hurdles, it puts things into perspective but I would love to achieve my dreams! Wouldn't anyone?
Hope you guys enjoyed this post! I can't tell you guys how happy I am to be nominated it means so much to me! Now I wasn't sure how many people to nominate but most blogs have said 11, so I have selected a few below! Please pop over and have a read of their lovely blogs! Also here are my 11 Questions for my nominees to answer should they chose to accept!
What colour would you describe yourself as? Favourite Disney Movie? What inspires you to write? Instagram or Twitter? Tell us a little bit about your blog? Explain your style in 3 words. Which city would you love to live in? Bath or Shower? Name your all time favourite movie. What blogs are you loving at the moment?
Funky Forty | Meganbug | Mindy Griffith | Hi Lychee | Suki Scouts | A Walk Beside Me | The Her Issue | The Katie Pillar | Aine Beauty | Carried By Foxes | Skin And Beauty Story
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