Happy Sunday Everyone! So the other day my Aloe Water Yankee Candle burnt out ... and I needed a replacement! There's something about burning candles that really calms me and of course the lovely scents don't hurt haha! Anyway, I headed into town to see which one I wanted to try next, part of me wanted to pick up the Aloe Water again but sometimes I find that if I use a specific scent for too long I don't really notice it anymore? So I thought I would switch it up and seeing as Summer officially starts in a few days I picked up Summer Scoop! Can we just stop and look at the colour! It' gorgeous right? I don't have a lot of colour in my room so I love adding little hints of it and I find that candles are a really good way of doing this. I've bought the smallest jar because I like to change things up but even the small jar burns for ages! Summer Scoop is a completely different scent compared to Aloe Water, it's very bright and sweet! But I don't think it's over powering or sickly at all. For me it's still quite calming because the scent isn't too out there, its quite subtle and warm. If you're not a fan of fruity smells I don't think Summer Scoop will be one for you, but I would still say go and have a sniff of one because ... oh .. it's just so nice!

If you're wanting something a lot less fruity I would definitely suggest trying the Aloe Water. There's a blog post on it here if you want to check it out! Right, I'm now going to go and burn my candle and have a cup of tea! Hope you guys have a lovely day or evening no matter what you're doing and I'll be back next week!
p.s ... It's going to be a good one!
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