Happy Sunday Everyone! I don't know about you guys but I'm still on a bit of a come down from Christmas! I've basically just spent the last few days watching my favourite Christmas movies, sat in my pjs and eating anything within reaching distance haha! And so I thought I would do a little tag for you guys, purely because it's easy reading haha! Again I was tagged by the lovely Jamie of 'Once Upon a Blog', so big love to Jamie! Hope you guys enjoy 'The Disney Personality Tag'!
Snow White - Do You Consider Yourself Beautiful?
I'm not going to lie ... I'm quite vain, there's a few reasons behind it but if you're close to me you'll know it's a bit of a front. Although there are a lot of things I would like to change about myself I do think I am beautiful, on the inside and that's where it counts.
Sleeping Beauty - How Many Hours Do You Sleep At Night?
I love my sleep. I'm one of those people that can nap anywhere but I don't actually get as much sleep as I would like. I love the weekends when you can lie in the covers and just spend a bit of time thinking! I do actually get the 'recommended' eight hours though!
Cinderella - Do You Have A Curfew?
Luckily, no! If I'm in the spirit I can be a right party animal haha! But other nights there's nothing I love more than snuggling up in front of the TV and falling asleep before nine ... see I told you, I'm a party animal haha!
Rapunzel - Do You Love Being Outside?
It depends what mood I'm in, I love a walk when it's a crisp cold night and sometimes I even love walking in the rain. But then if it's too cold or too warm I'll definitely stay inside!
Beauty and the Beast - What Makes Someone Beautiful In Your Eyes?
There's a few things, when someone is genuine, caring and kind, but to me it's when you can trust someone with anything and you know they will be by your side through it all!
Pinocchio - What Is Your Biggest Wish?
To be happy.
Peter Pan - What Is Your Mental Age?
This can change throughout the day haha! I can throw a tantrum like a toddler, I can be imaginative like a child. When things get serious I can be mature like an adult. But most of the time I'm fun and bubbly! I think my mental age is probably my actual age!
Hope you guys enjoyed this little tag! Please feel free to do your own version and leave a link in the comments or tweet me so that I can have a read of yours! I can't believe in a few days we will be saying goodbye to 2015! How quickly did that go! Have a lovely week and I shall be back next year ... get it? Haha!