Sunday 2 August 2015


Happy Sunday Everyone! So quite a while ago I posted 'The New Glasses' ... seven months since uploading that post I have finally got round to getting some new glasses! I had to have an opticians appointment first of all which was the boring part of my day however I then got to do some shopping! I picked up about three pairs, I knew what I wanted but I couldn't find it which made choosing a new pair of glasses so much harder. However after about an hour in Specsavers and making the poor assistant run round to try and help me find the perfect pair I bought these!

After temporarily fixing my glasses with a bit of old super glue I managed to get a few more weeks worth of wear out of them, but not too long after they broke again! I always have contact lenses lying around so don't worry, I didn't spend the last few weeks walking around blind! Since I've been wearing glasses for a few years I hated not having them on. I really think that the glasses help frame my face and in all honesty I thought they made my face look a little less chubby? It must be in my head because so many people at work had been saying how good I look without them on! But I still felt quite self conscience and so a trip to the opticians was well in need! If you follow me on Instagram i'm sure you'll see a selfie pop up in the next few days! I love them, they're a little less out there than my last pair of Gok Wan specs but they're still big and bold, what more could I ask for! At full price they were £125 but I have a monthly contact lens plan with Specsavers and so I get one free / discounted pair a year! Because mine were designer I got a discount on them and I only paid £45! What a bargain! I know it sounds weird but I want to start a collection of glasses? I want to be able to change things up if I want and have a few different styles to pick from! Since my last pair were round I really want to find a more retro pair. When I picked up my new glasses I actually got a 50% voucher so I'm sure i'll be going back after payday comes round again! 

Let me know what you guys think of my new glasses! Do any of you guys wear glasses? If so what kind of styles do you like and where do you get them from? I'd love to hear from you!

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