Monday 17 March 2014


Hey everyone! There was no blog post last week but that's because I was on a mini-break! Over the weekend I was visiting a very special little munchkin! 

I hopped on the train on Friday afternoon and may I just say that train stations are super confusing! I don't use trains a lot so I was scared of getting lost and it does not help that I have a serious problem with over packing! Once I was on the train I settled down and took out my crochet work, I'm working on a crochet blanket for charity and I know it makes me sound like an old person but I absolutely love it! I have taught myself a new skill and I'm doing a good deed. I ended up teaching Arti *the little munchkin* how to crochet too! Once I got to her room we had a good old catch up, put on a Disney movie and ordered a chineese takeaway! To finish off a perfect night in we did a face mask! We used Brazened Honey from Lush, It is a really good exfoliating mask that leaves your skin feeling fresh and glowy! The next morning we walked into Hanley because my phone charger had stopped working and I'm the kind of guy that feels lost without his phone! No trip into town is complete without a visit to Superdrug, and like always I bought way too much! We then met up with Hannah, who is just the most awesome person in the world! We ended up doing a huge shop in Tescos and we had a to get a taxi back. We spent the rest of the day doing another face mask! Yep another one! And getting dressed up for a night out! The night out was kind of a fail, however we ended up back in Artis room in our pj's and just spent most of the night talking! Sunday was going home day *sad face* I didn't end up leaving till quite late because we spent the day watching lots of movies and eating pizza!! Overall my weekend away was the perfect break, I got to spend time some the amazing people and just got some time to be stress-free! 

What have you guys been up to over the weekend? Let me know in the comments box! 

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